26 September 2019 | Article | anonymous
Harnessing the power of big data to drive donor engagement
“Big data is levelling the playing field for charities and allowing them to gain similar insights into their customers as international corporations” – Microsoft
SG kicked off our annual data-sharing sessions with our Southeast Asia charity partners this year with the first session held in Thailand in July.
Data Share, which started in 2017, is part of our initiatives in adding value to and fostering collaboration with our charity partners using big data.
Needless to say, our data-sharing sessions are usually highly interactive. Our charity partners collectively review and compare their respective fundraising and donor retention metrics while, at the same time, having the opportunity to address issues and debate new ideas with each other and the SG team.

This year, the focus was on developing data-driven strategies to optimise and measure campaign performance. Participants engaged in discussions and exchanged ideas as well as their best practices, which we ultimately used to finalize new and exciting solutions to test out in the second half of the year. Among the liveliest topics of conversation was donor attrition and how to tackle the issue by understanding and leveraging upon data-driven digital communication to build stronger engagement with our donors.

UNICEF Thailand, UNHCR Thailand, SOS Children’s Villages, WWF Thailand, World Animal Protection Thailand, and World Animal Protection Thailand, were all present for the full-day workshop.
We hope that all attendees left the session with practical takeaways and insights of the Thai fundraising market which they can use to improve internal processes alongside the short- and long-term strategies SG will develop in partnership with them.
The remaining 2019 Data Shares will be held on 10th October for our Indonesian charity partners and in November in the Philippines and Malaysia. So, stay tuned for more updates!
Click here to read about last year’s Data Share.